Howdy! Long time! So, with all this frigid weather up here in Belfast, Maine, everyone's talking about the Sea Smoke. Once the temperature gets real low people just get in their cars and head for the Sea Smoke. Some actually bring their cameras. To take pictures?
So for the month of January it was tough. Closed, no Sea Smoke! However, just in time for the worst cold snap in years......Yup... their back... The Only Doughnut is open. If you've never had a Maine Potato Doughnut, you're missing the best. Follow the link above....you will never go back.
Right down on Rt. 1, 225 Northport Ave., Belfast. OK, I took my camera! Took a photo for you. So,
I know Sea Smoke is good. I do think I see my favorite in the background, Cinnamon & Sugar.
What? You thought this was about that "smoke on the water". No, No! It's tough to have coffee
with that steamy foggy stuff! When it's (-10) outside I want a hot cup and some Sea Smoke(A Maine potato doughnut)!!